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Friday, June 29, 2007

26 days and counting!! 2007 Lobster mini season is almost here. Here is additional information you must keep in mind:
1) Lobster bag limit for 2007 is as follows:
LOBSTER BAG LIMITS (refer to chart)
For more detail: http://marinefisheries.org/lobster.htm

2) The following is the Biscayne National Park border (TO BE SAFE... DO NOT GO SOUTH OF THE LIGHT HOUSE)(refer to chart)

3) How to measure the lobster:
a. You MUST measure the lobster under water. I always measure the lobster a second time once I am aboard the boat just to be 100% sure.
b. Get yourself a good measuring gauge (~$3). I have seen some plastic ones way off. I can tell you this from experience since I have compared them with the one use by the US Coast Guard.
c. The Carapace must have a minimum length of greater than 3 inches. NOTE: GREATER THAN!
d. The carapace is measured beginning at the forward edge between the rostral horns, excluding and soft tissue, and proceeding along the middle to the rear edge of the carapace. NOTE, if you don’t include the soft tissue (right between the eyes) your measuring will be off.
(Refer to Chart)

4) You need a Florida Saltwater fishing lincese and a crawfish stamp. You can obtain you licenses and stamp as follows:
a. Online at: http://myfwc.com/license.html
b. By phone at: 1-888-FISH FLORIDA (1-888-347-4356)

More to follow!!

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